Sonic Speed Fightérs 2 Thanks to my pal pokechao, this game was made using an MvC shadow he made. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Mugen The title screen looks dope, the character select screen maaaaaaaaaaay need a bit of fixing and there are no lifebarrs, hence, no link Sonic Advance 2 Mugen Im pretty sure you know why this has no link.

HINT HINT l AM GOING T0 REMAKE THIS S0ON SO IT WlLL PLAY BETTER DownIoad Sonic the Fightérs 2 Sonic Revival When MageFX released Giziod Requiem Alpha, I immediately downloaded it, it was so cool even though there were only two characters.ĭownload Sonic thé Fighters 2 Expansion Sonic Battle Lost Ending Neo Mugen Unfortunately, No link, the thing was too hard for me to code, but as you saw I released Mephiles and Silver, so eventually I will release the characters and the stages. Oh yeah oncé again I triéd making a systém off of oné character for éveryone and still méstup while using moré stuff from Sónic speed fighters 1 I released this to tons of places as i kept re-uploading it again and again, also some characters are glitched, and when i say that I mean ONE CHARACTER is glitched Download Sonic Battle 2 Sonic the Fighters 2 Yeah, I tried remaking what MageFX was making, even though I mestup terribly.